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September 16, 2024

Tips for keeping Children Entertained and Comfortable During the Trip to LGA Airport

Traveling with children can be a daunting task, especially when heading to a busy airport like LGA. Ensuring your child is entertained and comfortable during the journey can make the experience much smoother for both them and you. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare for the trip and keep your child happy throughout.

1. Prepare a Travel Kit

Packing a well-thought-out travel kit can make a significant difference in your child’s comfort and entertainment during the trip.

Essentials to Include:

  • Snacks: Pack a variety of healthy snacks that are easy to eat and not messy. Think about items like apple slices, granola bars, yogurt tubes, crackers, and cheese sticks. These snacks can help manage hunger and avoid crankiness.
  • Toys and Games: Bring along a mix of toys that are portable and engaging. Small puzzles, travel-sized board games, and interactive toys can keep your child occupied. If they are old enough, a tablet loaded with their favorite movies, TV shows, or educational apps can be a lifesaver.
  • Comfort Items: Children often find comfort in familiar objects. Pack a small blanket, stuffed animal, or any other comfort item they are attached to. These can provide reassurance and help them feel more secure.
  • Books: Bring a few favorite books or new ones to keep them entertained. Reading together can also be a calming activity.
  • Travel-Friendly Electronics: If you’re bringing a tablet or smartphone, consider investing in a durable case to protect it during travel. Download content in advance to avoid relying on internet access.

2. Schedule Breaks

Long trips can be tiring for children, and making frequent stops can help keep them comfortable and happy.

Strategies for Effective Breaks:

  • Plan Stops: If you’re driving to LGA, plan to take breaks every 1-2 hours. Find rest areas or parks where your child can run around, stretch their legs, and use the restroom.
  • Restroom Breaks: Make sure to stop for bathroom breaks regularly. If your child is potty-trained, encourage them to use the restroom even if they don’t feel an immediate need.
  • Snack and Stretch Time: Use breaks as opportunities for your child to have a snack and stretch. This can prevent restlessness and keep them from becoming too hungry or tired.

3. Engage with Interactive Entertainment

Technology can be a powerful tool for keeping children entertained during travel.

Entertainment Options:

  • Tablets and Smartphones: Load them with age-appropriate games, movies, and TV shows. Consider downloading educational apps that can both entertain and educate your child.
  • Portable DVD Players: If you have a collection of favorite DVDs, a portable DVD player can be a great option. It’s a good idea to have headphones available to avoid disturbing other passengers.
  • Audiobooks and Podcasts: For older children, audiobooks and podcasts can be a fantastic way to keep them entertained. Choose content that is engaging and suitable for their age.

4. Create a Travel Routine

Children often thrive on routine, and establishing a travel routine can help keep them calm and comfortable.

Routine Tips:

  • Meal Times: Try to stick to your child’s usual meal schedule as closely as possible. Bring their favorite meals or snacks to avoid disruption in their eating habits.
  • Rest Periods: Encourage your child to take short naps if needed. Bring along a pillow or blanket to make resting more comfortable.
  • Activity Time: Designate specific times for different activities, such as screen time, reading, or playing with toys. This can help create a predictable environment and keep your child engaged.

5. Comfortable Clothing

Comfortable clothing is crucial for a pleasant travel experience.

Clothing Recommendations:

  • Breathable Fabrics: Choose clothing made from breathable fabrics such as cotton. This will help regulate your child’s body temperature and prevent them from getting too hot or too cold.
  • Layering: Dress your child in layers so they can easily adjust their clothing if the temperature changes. A light jacket or sweater can be useful for cooler indoor environments.
  • Proper Fit: Ensure that the clothing is comfortable and allows for easy movement. Avoid anything too tight or restrictive.

6. Stay Hydrated

Keeping your child hydrated is essential, especially during travel.

Hydration Tips:

  • Water Bottles: Pack a reusable water bottle and encourage your child to drink regularly. Avoid sugary drinks that can lead to energy crashes or excessive thirst.
  • Healthy Hydration Options: Consider packing flavored water or adding fruit slices to their water bottle to make hydration more appealing.
  • Frequent Reminders: Remind your child to drink water regularly, especially if they are busy with activities or screen time.

7. Plan for the Airport Experience

The airport experience can be overwhelming for children, so preparation is key.

Airport Tips:

  • Arrive Early: Give yourself plenty of time to navigate check-in, security, and boarding. Arriving early reduces stress and allows your child to acclimate to the airport environment.
  • Family-Friendly Services: Many airports offer family lanes and amenities designed to ease the process for parents with young children. Look for these services to make your experience smoother.
  • Entertainment at the Airport: Some airports have play areas for children. Check the airport’s website in advance to see if these facilities are available and plan to visit them if possible.

8. Bring a First-Aid Kit

A well-stocked first-aid kit can be invaluable during travel.

First-Aid Kit Essentials:

  • Basic Supplies: Include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and gauze pads for minor injuries.
  • Medications: Pack any necessary medications your child might need, such as allergy medications or pain relievers.
  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts and important medical information in your kit.

9. Encourage Positive Behavior

Positive reinforcement can help maintain good behavior throughout the trip.

Behavior Management Tips:

  • Praise and Rewards: Offer praise and small rewards for good behavior. This could be extra screen time, a special treat, or a small toy.
  • Set Expectations: Before the trip, talk to your child about what to expect and the importance of good behavior. Setting clear expectations can help them understand and follow the rules.
  • Distraction Techniques: If your child becomes restless or upset, use distraction techniques such as engaging them in a new activity or conversation.

10. Stay Calm and Patient

Your demeanor can greatly influence your child’s experience.

Calmness Tips:

  • Manage Stress: Try to remain calm and patient, even if the journey becomes stressful. Your calm demeanor will help reassure your child and make the experience more pleasant for both of you.
  • Positive Attitude: Approach the trip with a positive attitude and emphasize the fun aspects of the journey. This can help alleviate any anxiety your child might have.
  • Problem-Solving: If issues arise, handle them calmly and efficiently. For example, if your child is upset, address their concerns gently and offer comfort.


Traveling with children to LGA Airport requires thoughtful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. By following these tips, you can help keep your child entertained and comfortable throughout the journey, reducing stress and making the trip more pleasant.

Packing a well-prepared travel kit with snacks, toys, and comfort items will keep your child engaged and content. Scheduling regular breaks, providing interactive entertainment, and maintaining a travel routine will further enhance their comfort and reduce restlessness. Comfortable clothing and staying hydrated are essential for their physical well-being, while preparing for the airport experience and having a first-aid kit on hand ensures you’re ready for any eventuality.

Encouraging positive behavior through praise and rewards, and maintaining a calm and patient demeanor, will also contribute to a more enjoyable trip. By creating a supportive and engaging travel environment, you can help your child feel more secure and less anxious about the journey.

In summary, with the right preparation and strategies, you can turn a potentially stressful trip into a manageable and even enjoyable experience. Keep these tips in mind as you plan your trip to LGA Airport, and you’ll be well-equipped to handle the challenges of traveling with children. Safe travels!


1. What should I pack for my child’s travel kit?

For your child’s travel kit, pack a variety of snacks, portable toys, books, comfort items, and travel-friendly electronics. Include anything that can keep them engaged and comfortable throughout the journey.

2. How often should we take breaks during the trip?

Breaks should be scheduled every 1-2 hours, depending on the length of the trip and your child’s needs. Use these breaks to allow them to stretch, use the restroom, and have a snack.

3. What types of snacks are best for the trip?

Healthy snacks like fruits, granola bars, cheese sticks, and crackers are ideal. Avoid sugary snacks that might lead to energy spikes and crashes.

4. How can I make the airport experience easier for my children?

Arrive early to give yourself ample time to navigate the airport. Utilize family-friendly services and amenities, and keep your child engaged with snacks and entertainment. Familiarize them with the airport process to reduce anxiety.

5. What should I do if my child gets restless during the trip?

If your child becomes restless, provide distractions such as toys, games, or a tablet. Encourage them to use the restroom or take a short walk during breaks to alleviate restlessness.

6. What clothing is best for children during travel?

Dress your child in comfortable, breathable clothing that allows for easy movement. Layering is also helpful, so they can adjust their clothing as needed based on temperature changes.

7. How can I keep my child hydrated during the trip?

Pack a reusable water bottle and remind your child to drink regularly. Avoid sugary drinks and opt for water or flavored water with fruit slices to make hydration more appealing.

8. What should I include in a first-aid kit for children?

Include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, necessary medications, and other basic first-aid supplies in your kit. Tailor the kit to your child’s specific needs and include a list of emergency contacts.

9. How can I encourage good behavior from my child during the trip?

Use positive reinforcement to praise and reward good behavior. Set clear expectations before the trip and offer small rewards for patience and cooperation.

10. How do I handle my child’s stress or anxiety about traveling?

Remain calm and patient, and approach the trip with a positive attitude. Reassure your child about the journey, and provide comfort items or routines to help alleviate their anxiety.

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